同RTHK 香港電台介紹睡眠導師/輔導和推動有效睡眠的方程式

另一個與 SLEEEP.io 合作的絕佳機會,在 RTHK 香港電台上推廣香港的睡眠導師/輔導的意識。 大多數亞洲人不熟悉睡眠導師/輔導,最後長期使用安眠藥。 根據研究報告只係香港已經有超過 50% 的人有睡眠障礙問題, 我相信向前亞洲這個數量受影響的數量絕對不少。
大家要知道 Ambien 和 Valium 等藥物 並不會你未瞓一場好覺。 他們的存在不會 令你得到深層睡眠。 因此,請考慮與睡眠導師做睡眠資訊盡量盡量比他了解你的情況情況。 對於我的客戶來說,大多數人都能夠從調整環境 和 生活方式 就足以讓他們睡得更好。 通過 #功能醫學 #functionalmedicine 的角度去看,每個人都能優化自己的瞓覺狀態; 一係你天生瞓得好; 又或者要後天去栽培如何分得更好。 請不要低估睡眠對你的重要性

#睡眠 #睡眠質素 #失眠 #學習如何瞓得更好 #優化 #有效地睡眠 #有效率地瞓覺
#sleepoptimization #sleepwithoutpills #sleepcoach #optimized #sleepcanbelearned #effective #efficient
Another amazing opportunity to work with @SLEEEP.io on promoting sleep coaching awareness in HK on @RTHK 香港電台. Most people in Asia are not familiar with sleep coaching and end up using sleeping pills for ages. Considering there are over 50% people suffering from sleep disturbance in Hong Kong alone, I don't think we are talking small numbers of impacted people here.
See... Sleeping with Ambien & Valium ain't really sleeping. The much needed deep sleep won't happen easily with their presence. So do consider to speak with a sleep coach and find out about your situation. For most of my clients, it's enough by addressing their lifestyle & environments to make them sleep better. Through the lens of #functionalmedicine, everyone is capable of sleeping more optimized; you are either born with it or learn how to do it right. Please don't underestimate the power of a beauty sleep

#sleep #sleepdeprivation #insomnia
#sleepoptimization #sleepwithoutpills #sleepcoach #optimized #sleepcanbelearned #effective #efficient