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音樂可以成為“集中”靈丹妙藥。 我和我的朋友與南加州大學合作設計了以下活動. 也想邀請你加入。星期六夜晚 6pm (香港時間18:00年8月29日)
Music can be a "focus" elixir. My friend & I are partnering with University of South California to create this following event on Sat (Aug 29th, 1800 HKT) Please make sure you register thru this eventbrite



Can we keep our focus while remain relax? Both of our speakers believe this is not only possible but essential for all high achievers & performers.

In our 45 mins experience, through activities & sharing, we want to highlight our ways to combine music with priming - Thought & Emotion adjustment techniques - to achieve a relaxing yet focus mindset. So yes, this is a live performance here and do come in with comfortable clothings to enjoy this experience.