
48小時延長斷食 (Vol. #3)

話咁快, 我每個quarter會做的 #延長斷食又會在星期三 午餐後開始!
我今次想做的目的同平時有少少不同。 我希望可以Kickstart 我身體裏面的正能量... 因為網球手嘅關係, 近日運動量太少, 整個人提不起勁。 而正正因為fasting係需要一個 discipline 的原因, 我希望可以藉 這個discipline的力量, 令我開始jumpstart 這股 #積極#氣息
Time flies, already time for another extended fast in Q3. This time my intention is to restore my #focus & more #mentalstength. I'm seeking after that discipline I'm once very proud of. Nowadays I felt that my energy is zapped away easily. With Fasting Protocol, it comes along with #discipline. I look forwards to #reclaim my #headstrong